12 August 2022



I'd love to ride a scooter like this. Alas, the streets are a bit too mental and the missus has forbidden it anyway.

Minolta X700, 50mm lens, Ilford HP5+ film.


  1. You could get Amice in that basket in the front, too ;)

    Another nice spot, with that window geometry contrasting nicely with the curves of the scooter. Looks like the window is a replacement for the original, and about 1/3 of the size.

    1. Thanks. Amice's yowling would make sure everyone got out of my way. I think this is a coffee shop, so I wonder why they went for a smaller window. More privacy for customers, perhaps?

    2. Ah, Amice is a talker? Our tortoiseshell makes little mews from time to time and very occasionally a big one, usually when she's looking for us, or for food, but generally she doesn't speak. The tabby, on the other hand, talks incessantly - she answers every time we speak to her, which is really very sweet.


Cat in a Blanket

  Fuji 200, Nikon F6  Another test to see how I like Blogger versus Wordpress. Wordpress themes are irritating me.