04 April 2022


High-rises are going up all over Sokcho. The one going up in front of my apartment building will be over forty stories when it's finished. Across the road another tall building is going up. Tower cranes are the prominent feature of the cityscape. Behind my apartment is Dongmyeong Catholic Church. Besides being an attractive stone building, the church sits on a hill where you can look down over the harbour and see the sunrise. It's something of a tourist attraction. I like it because it's not made of concrete and polished granite. There are benches on the grounds where I can sit and relax quietly.

But as you can see, there are buildings going up around the church. The clang and bang of construction is present all day long. Silent prayer must be quite a challenge. The church has put up signs saying that they are not opposed to development, but they are opposed to so many high-rises going up all over the city and destroying its charm and heritage.

I agree with them. People come to Sokcho to see Seolak Mountain and the sea. They build tall apartment buildings to get a good view of them. In a few years, the only view will be of people in other high-rises looking out the windows. The sea and the mountains will be hidden behind concrete.


  1. I like your second shot there - once I figured out what was happening :) It gives a great rendition of 'the situation'.

    I saw a TV programme about Monaco a while back. It featured this elderly lady, who swanned about in a chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce. Her house, which was of course large and fabulous, once had a direct view of the sea. Now all she had from her balcony was a view of high-rises between her and the sea. Even the uber-wealthy have their problems...

    1. Thanks, Michael. I think these two photos will get dropped from the To Print list. Maybe they are okay as illustrations to a story, but they don't really stand up on their own.
      If you're very rich, I guess you should buy all the land right down to the waterline.


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