03 August 2021

A Few from Gangmun

 It's the end of July and it's so hot and humid that by mid-morning the air feels like it's boiling. Earlier in the month it was more pleasant to be outside, and I made a few photos at Gangmun.

The beach wasn't deserted on this day. I waited until people were out of the way because I wanted the photo to be about the lines.

Underneath the harbour boardwalk is a dock where a few fishing boats tie up. It was cool under the dock. Behind a nearby pillar a young woman taking a break from her coffee shop job squat and smoked a fag.

Halfway between the shade and the light, this beggar took a rest between bouts of meowing for food. I bought some mock crab at a nearby convenience store and fed him by hand for five minutes. I couldn't believe he ate such a large piece of food. It's possible me and the cat are on Instagram somewhere. While I fed him people gathered around with their phones out. A passing woman told me the cat comes every day to cry for food.

The building on the left is Gangmun Fishing Village Hall. On the right is a seniors' centre. The village of Gangmun is mostly just restaurants and coffee shops now, so I don't know how many residents are making use of these facilities.

These rental electric scooters are the terror of the sidewalks and boardwalk between Anmok and Gyeongpo. I like the composition of the foreground, but I should have waited for a better background.

I want to call these 'power lines', but it looks like there might be more than electrical wires here. Perhaps someone will enlighten me.

I'm looking forward for the weather to cool down a bit so I get back out with a camera.


  1. Nice clean lines in the first shot and the fact that the colour of the parasol matches the sand is a bonus.

    That cat sounds like he's on to a good thing - and he knows it!

    The scooter looks very cool but I'm sure they are a PITA for pedestrians. There have been a few fatalities in England with e-scooters (much smaller than yours here), even though they are illegal to ride on public spaces and roads. I haven't seen any here in Northern Ireland yet, but I'm sure that will change. The perspective on that shot is interesting - the scooter seems huge compared to the figures in the background (which I like) but I agree with your comment about the background.

    1. I never noticed the similarity between the parasol and the sand. Maybe it was in the back of my mind when I made the photo.
      Smaller e-scooters are all over the place here, and there have been enough accidents that there were laws passed about how and where you can use them. You can't ride them on sidewalks anymore and you have to wear a helmet and ride your scooter on the road with cars. Which is suicide.
      If I'm lucky, maybe another scooter will be in the same place when I go back there next time. And if I can't get the swimmers arranged as I like, perhaps I can shout "shark!" and get them all out of the water. :)


Cat in a Blanket

  Fuji 200, Nikon F6  Another test to see how I like Blogger versus Wordpress. Wordpress themes are irritating me.