28 July 2021


 There is no avoiding apartments. In dormitory towns the whole landscape looks like it was rolled out by cylinder seal because the buildings and complexes on every city block are the same shape and colour. I once got very lost in the city of Anyang because I couldn't find any landmarks. In the countryside it's common to see a village, a stream, a hill, and a giant white monolith sticking out of the ground like the vanguard of urbanisation.

With so many apartments in the country, it's no surprise that they appear in so many of my photos. Here are some from a roll of Ilford XP2 Super 400 I made last spring with a Minolta X700 and 50mm lens.

It looks like this tree is pointing at the building and saying, "Remember who will still be here when you are abandoned and crumbling."

I made this photo thinking "I wandered lonely as a cloud", but this fellow looks cheerful.

In spring, after the field flooding but before the planting. I wonder how much of the rice grown in these fields goes to people living in the background apartments. Maybe it goes to a distribution centre somewhere far away and then comes back to Gangneung.


  1. Love the could shot - perfect!

    The last shot illustrates nicely the brutalist design of these apartment blocks. I see what you mean by the lack of variation in them. Do the residents work locally or are they bussed to bigger cities, do you know?

    1. Cloud shot, I mean to type, of course...

    2. Thanks very much.
      The apartments in the last photo are an older style, where all apartment entrances are connected by a long hallway on one side of the building. They are just regular apartments and the people there work at whatever.


Cat in a Blanket

  Fuji 200, Nikon F6  Another test to see how I like Blogger versus Wordpress. Wordpress themes are irritating me.