16 August 2021

Wheeled Things in Alleys

 I thought about linking photos to Flickr, but it's much more convenient to insert them straight from Google Photos. I can post the photos at a smallish size but readers can see them at an enlarged size by clicking.

I've posted variations on this scene before. The expensive car in an alley formed by a jumble of buildings. It screams 'slumlord', doesn't it? There is a glass door behind the car, but I don't know what it leads to. A very narrow office? A side entrance to one of the buildings? I'm not brave enough to pull on the handle or knock.

Here's a cheaper mode of transportation with lots of cargo space. This is the sort of bicycle you'll see older men riding around town.


  1. That first shot is good - really gives an impression of how built up it is. The driver has some work to do to reverse his car in that alley. Almost makes you want to jiggle the car so the alarm goes off...and then hide.

    1. You're TERRible, Michael. :) (Ever see Muriel's Wedding?)

    2. Ah, you've caught me out. If ever I went on a quiz show I'd hopefully do OK until the question about movies. I have never really been that bothered about films. I rarely went to the cinema, even when my hearing was A1 and obviously I don't go at all nowadays. The seats were always killers for my arthritis - my body just screamed at me to move, get the heck out and don't come back.

    3. I'll have to stick to Pink Floyd references. :)

    4. Now you're talking. Shine on...


Cat in a Blanket

  Fuji 200, Nikon F6  Another test to see how I like Blogger versus Wordpress. Wordpress themes are irritating me.